
The NOVEM 2025 (NOise and Vibration Emerging Methods) conference is starting in

Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions and Conditions for Participation in the Event




Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Akustik mobiler Systeme
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Boltzmannstraße 15
85748 Garching b. München  

1. General

1.1 These General Terms and Conditions ("GTCs") apply to the business relationship between the Technical University of Munich (hereinafter "the Organizer") and the conference attendee (hereinafter "the Participant") in relation to the ticket sales for participation. Any general terms and conditions of participation conflicting with these GTCs will not apply.

1.2 The Organizer reserves the right to change and supplement the GTCs. Changes and supplements shall be rendered valid by being published on the event website. The GTCs governing the relationship with each Participant are the ones in effect at the time of contract conclusion.

2. Registration and contract conclusion

2.1 Registration for participation in the event is only possible via the event website or personally at the event venue.

2.2 The Organizer submits a non-binding offer for the conclusion of a sales agreement based on the details published on the website. By completing the order process and clicking "Complete" and "Pay now" in the order form, the Participant places a binding order. The order by the Participant shall be subject to the Participant having completed all of the required fields on the order form and having accepted these GTCs. A similar electronic procedure will be available at the event venue for onsite registration.

2.3 The contract concerning participation in the event will become effective when the Organizer confirms the Participant’s registration in writing via e-mail. Any changes and/or supplements to this contract must be in writing. This requirement may be waived only in writing.

3. Prices

3.1 All prices are final and binding. 

3.2 All prices are quoted inclusive of the required sales tax, where required.

3.3 Students are offered a discounted registration fee. Such discounted fee shall be granted subject to appropriate proof (student ID card, confirmation from university), to be given prior to the beginning of the event. Failure to provide proof of student status will result in the Participant having to pay the difference between the full price and the discounted price, in order to be admitted to the event.

4. Payment 

4.1 Payment shall be made either by credit card or by wire transfer, as specified on the website. Specific instructions on how to pay using both methods are given on the website during registration. All prices shall be paid promptly upon contract conclusion. For onsite registration at the venue, only the option of credit card payment will be available, and cash, checks or other forms of payment will not be accepted.

4.2 Payment against invoice
If the Participant fails to pay the relevant amount within 7 days upon receipt of the invoice, the Organizer may rescind the contract. If the Organizer rescinds the contract, the Participant loses his/her entitlement to participate in the event. Any fees in connection with the remittance shall be borne by the Participant.

4.3 Payment by credit card
When paying by credit card (only MasterCard or Visa), the Participant will be asked during the payment process to enter the credit card details. The credit card information will not be stored on the database and computers of the Organizer. The relevant credit card account will then be debited with the ticket amount. 

4.4 If a payment is returned (for example, if the account specified in the order does not have sufficient funds), the Participant shall compensate any damage or expenditure arising from such returned payment. A processing fee of 50 EUR per returned payment will be charged.

4.5 Any returned payment will entitle the Organizer to promptly rescind the contract. As a result, the Participant will lose his/her entitlement to attend the event. This shall not affect any possible further claims by the Organizer with respect to the Participant.

5. Right of withdrawal 

5.1 Right of withdrawal instruction
If the participant is a consumer within the scope of Section 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB), he/she may revoke his/her contractual declaration in writing (for example by letter or e-mail) within 14 days, without giving reasons. To do so, an e-mail can be sent quoting the ticket ID. The participants shall use the following contact details for this purpose:

Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Akustik mobiler Systeme
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Boltzmannstraße 15
85748 Garching b. München  

The above withdrawal period shall commence upon receipt of this instruction in writing, but in any case not prior to contract conclusion, nor prior to the Organizer fulfilling his/her duty to provide information as per Section 246 (2) in connection with Section 1 (1) and (2) Introductory Law to the German Civil Code (EGBGB) as well as the duties as per Section 312g (1) sent. one of the German Civil Code (BGB) in connection with Section 246 (3) EGBGB. The timely dispatch of the withdrawal shall be deemed sufficient for compliance with the withdrawal period.

Consequences of withdrawal
In the case of an effective withdrawal the mutually received benefits are to be returned and derived benefits (for example, interest), where applicable, are to be returned. If the participant is unable to return and/or pay back the received services as well as benefits (for example, benefits from use) either in full or in part or only in a deteriorated condition, he/she shall be liable to pay compensation to the Organizer. Any obligations to refund a payment must be fulfilled within 30 days. Such period shall commence for the participant once the right of withdrawal instruction is dispatched and for the Organizer once said instruction is received.

5.2 The right of withdrawal shall end prematurely if the Organizer commences providing its services, with the Participant's express consent, prior to the end of the withdrawal period or if the Participants themselves initiate the service provision.

6. Rescission/cancelation

6.1 If a Participant decides not to attend the event, he/she shall declare his/her rescission of the contract in writing or via e-mail vis-à-vis the Organizer. 

7. Services

7.1 The scope of the contractual service rendered within the framework of the event derives from the information documents, the details provided on the event website and existing registration forms, if any, as well as from the Organizer's confirmation of participation. In the case of objections and in any case, the service specification set out in the booking confirmation shall be decisive. 

7.2 If the services are not rendered in the contractually agreed form, the Participant shall be entitled to remedy. Defects shall be notified promptly. Claims for the reimbursement of the participation fee, due to services evidently not having been provided as contractually agreed, shall be asserted within 14 days from the end of the event.

7.3 The event offer does not include transport, board and lodging, unless services of this type are explicitly mentioned in the event description.

8. Cancelation of the event

8.1 For urgent reasons the Organizer may cancel the event with a reasonable period of notice. This shall also apply to any fringe and evening events.

8.2 If the event is canceled, the Organizer shall refund the full amount of any payment made within 14 days. Any other costs incurred by the Participant shall not be reimbursed. In case of cancellation because of force majeure (war, terrorist attacks, etc.) no reimbursement will be due.

9. Copyright and other rights

9.1 The presentations and event documents distributed are protected under copyright and are for personal use only. Usage rights may only be transferred expressly in writing. Reproduction, distribution, processing or public communication of any type is generally not allowed and requires the Organizer's written consent.

9.2 Participants are not allowed to make audio and video recordings and descriptions of the event, and of the event results as a whole or in part.

10. Footage/photographs

10.1 Participants to the event shall give their consent free of charge to the Organizer of creating, reproducing, broadcasting or arranging to be broadcast as well as using in audiovisual media, photographs of their person taken during the event. The usage rights of those photographs shall be granted also after the conclusion of the event.

11. Liability 

11.1 In the event of a breach of material contractual obligations (i.e. obligations the non-performance of which would make it impossible to duly perform the Agreement and the compliance with which can, as a rule, be relied upon by the other party), the Organizer, its statutory agents and persons employed to perform obligations on behalf of the organizer, shall be liable for damage caused by intent and any negligence. However, in the event of slight negligence, liability shall be limited to the contract-typical, foreseeable damage. Any liability for consequential damage and damage to property (such as lost profit) will be excluded.

11.2 In all other cases, the Organizer, its statutory agents and persons employed to perform obligations on behalf of the organizer, shall be liable only for damage caused by intent or gross negligence. In the event of gross negligence, liability shall be limited to the amount of the participation fee. Any liability for consequential damage and damage to property (such as lost profit) will be excluded.

11.3 The limitation of liability and/or exemption from liability shall neither apply in the event of injury to life, body, or health nor in the event of claims under the German Product Liability Act.

11.4 Furthermore, the Organizer and his/her agents in performance will not accept any liability for disturbances of whatever kind which are caused by circumstances beyond his/her/their reasonable control.

11.5 Any liability for damages arising from travel to and from the event locations as well as from loss and accidents shall be excluded to the legally permitted extent.

12. Final provisions

12.1 This contract shall be exclusively governed by the law of the Federal Republic of Germany, to the exclusion of the CISG. The legal venue shall be Munich.

12.2 If individual stipulations of this contract are ineffective or become ineffective due to a subsequently occurring circumstance, the effectiveness of the remaining contract shall not be affected thereby. The ineffective contractual stipulation shall be replaced with a regulation which comes closest to what the contracting parties would have intended, had they considered the relevant aspect. This also applies to any contractual loopholes.

12.3 The place of performance shall be the Organizer's place of business.

Declaration of consent

I hereby consent of my own free will to my personal participant data (user name, password, name, affiliation, address, telephone number, fax number, email address, booking options) being collected and saved, in compliance with the Data Protection Act of Bavaria (BayDSG), for the purposes of registering the individual participants, billing, booking confirmations, confirming participation and payments, and generating the ID badge in connection with the NOVEM2025 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen on May 6-8 2025.

I can refuse my consent with the result that I will be unable to participate in the events.

I reserve the right to withdraw my consent to my data being saved with future effect at any time and without providing reasons. The withdrawal of consent does not cover data the deletion of which is prohibited under statutory retention periods or data that is essential to the justification, construal or amendment of contractual relationships with us or data which must be saved for billing purposes.

My declaration of withdrawal of consent should be directed to:

Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Akustik mobiler Systeme
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Boltzmannstraße 15
85748 Garching b. München 

Data privacy

Data privacy is an important issue for TUM. We want to make sure that you know when and what type of data is being stored and for what purposes. Personal data stored on the university web server ( is accessed only when required for technical reasons. Processing of the data is subject to the provisions of the applicable data privacy laws, in particular, the State of Bavaria Data Protection Act (BayDSG) and the German Telemedia Act (TMG).

Below is a description of the type and scope of personal data that is accessed, for what purposes and how it is utilized. This information can be called up from the website at any time. 

1. Technical implementation

The TUM web servers are operated by the Leibniz Computing Center (LRZ).
Leibniz-Rechenzentrum (LRZ)
Boltzmannstraße 1
85748 Garching b. München

2. Log

When you call up this or other web sites, your Internet browser sends specific data to our web server. The following data is temporarily stored in a log file during the connection that is established for communication between your Internet browser and our web server:

  • IP address of the computer generating the inquiry
  • Date and time of the access
  • Name, URL and size of the retrieved file
  • Access status (requested file transmitted successfully, not found, etc.)
  • Web browser and operating system identifiers (if provided by the web browser)
  • Website that was accessed (if provided by the web browser)

The data in this log file is processed as follows:

  • The log entries are constantly and automatically analyzed in order to identify and react accordingly to attacks on the web servers.
  • In individual cases, such as reported outages, errors and security incidents, a manual analysis is performed.
  • Log entries older than seven days are anonymized by shortening the IP address.
  • The anonymized logs are used to create access statistics. The software for this application is operated by LRZ.


Because the IP addresses contained in the logs are not merged with other data, LRZ is not in a position to tie this information to specific persons. 

3. Booking data

When you set up a user account, we store the following data for documentation and billing purposes and to enable your participation in the event: contact data such as your name, address, institution and e-mail address, plus your user name and password.

As an option, you can add other information to your user account, such as telephone number, fax number or title.

4. Forwarding data to third parties

If you choose "credit card" as the payment method, you will leave the TUM website and be forwarded directly to "Sparkasse S-Internetkasse" (online payment service of the Sparkasse Bank), which is responsible for handling your credit card payment.

Under the provisions of the applicable laws, TUM is also authorized to forward data to certain government entities (agencies, courts of law)

When registering for a conference, please be aware that your name, institution and country is typically visible to the other participants in their user accounts (password protected area) in order to create a list of the conference participants.

5. E-mail security 

When you send us an e-mail, your e-mail address will be used only for the purposes of corresponding with you. Please note that security gaps can occur when transmitting data over the Internet. 100 percent protection against access to data by third parties is not possible.

6. Cookies

To expand the functional scope our Internet offering and to make it easy to use, we rely to some extent on so-called cookies, which can be used to store data on your computer when you call up our website. You can deactivate cookies or configure your browser so that cookies are stored only for the duration of the online session. This can restrict the functional scope of our Internet offering however.

7. Encryption

To protect your data from unauthorized access, we use encryption on several of web pages. In this case, data is transmitted between your computer and our server (in both directions) via the Internet with 256-bit SSL encryption (secure socket layer). You can check if the current connection is secure by looking at the URL in the address bar, which always begins with https://.

8. Changes to the data privacy policies

We reserve the right to adapt our data privacy policies in order to conform to current legal requirements or to implement changes to our data privacy declaration. We encourage you to review these data privacy policies regularly to ensure that you remain up-to-date with respect to how we protect your personal data. By continuing to use the service, you agree to accept the changes to the data privacy policies.

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