
The NOVEM 2025 (NOise and Vibration Emerging Methods) conference is starting in


Distinguished Lecture


Stephen Elliott: "From impossible to commonplace, the development and future of active control"

ISVR University of Southampton, Southampton, UK; Institute Webpage



Keynote Forums

The Keynote Forums are particularly designed for cutting-edge topics in the field of vibroacoustics. Check out the Tabs below to learn more about the upcoming Speakers, Convenors, and Chairs.

Day 1: Psychoacoustic Noise Control of Electric Drives


Roland Sottek: "Psychoacoustic Future Begins"

Head Acoustics; Corporate Webpage

Dong Chul Park: "What Sounds Appeal to High-Performance Car Enthusiasts? The Sound Design Story and Technology for HP EVs"

Hyundai Motor Company; Corporate Webpage

Vincent Lanfranchi: "Electric Machines: Noise from Electromagnetic Origin"

Département Ingénierie Mécanique, Laboratoire ROBERVAL, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France; UTC Compiègne

Stephen Hambric1 and Nicolas Totaro2

1Hambric Acoustics, LLC, USA; Hambric Acoustics

2National Institute of Applied Sciences, Lyon, France; INSA Lyon

Hugo Fastl

TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology, Munich, Germany; Institute webpage

Day 2: Physics-guided machine learning in vibroacoustics


Eleni Chatzi: "Monitoring and Twinning of Engineered Systems or Everything, Everywhere, All at Once"

Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; Institute Webpage

Elizabeth Cross: "Modeling structures with physics and data"

Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK; Institute Webpage

Karl Janssen: "AI-supported Physical Testing"

RTD Test Division, Siemens Industry Software NV, Heverlee, Belgium; Corporate Webpage

Ines López Arteaga

Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands; Institute Webpage

Ines López Arteaga

Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands; Institute Webpage

Day 3: Vibroacoustics of space vehicles


Christophe Bailly: "Aeroacoustics of Space Launchers at Lift-off"

École Centrale de Lyon, Lyon, France; Institute Webpage

Ivan Ngan: "Vibroacoustic Environment of Spacecraft at Launch – An Overview and the Challenge"

ESA-European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The Netherlands; Institute Webpage

Edward Heyd: "Experimental Vibro-acoustic Testing of Launch Vehicles"

Structural Acoustic Solutions, LLC, Littleton, Colorado, USA;

Oriol Guasch1 and Sergio De Rosa2

1La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain; Institute Webpage

2Department of Industrial Engineering, University Federico II, Naples, Italy; Institute Webpage

Alessandro Carrella

MSI-DFAT Services LLC, Baltimore, USA;

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